萊斯里尼爾森 (Leslie Nielsen,1926 - 2010):加拿大演員,喜劇演員和製片人。演出近百部電影和逾150電視演出。雖然在電影《原子鐵金剛》 (Forbidden Planet,1956)和海神號 (The Poseidon Adventure)中有出色表現,但在20世紀80年代演出《空前絕後滿天飛》(Airplane!)之後,轉型為喜劇演員。
1956 電話勒贖案 (Ransom!)
1956 原子鐵金剛 (Forbidden Planet)
1956 國王萬歲 (The Vagabond King)
1957 Hot Summer Night
1957 玉女黛蜜 (Tammy and the Bachelor)
1958 牧場風雲 (The Sheepman)
1964 Night Train to Paris
1965 珍哈露艷史 (Harlow)
1965 Dark Intruder
1966 The Plainsman
1966 Beau Geste
1967 Gunfight in Abilene
1967 太空急轉彎 (The Reluctant Astronaut)
1967 桃花再開時 (Rosie!)
1968 鐵蹄壯士魂(Counterpoint)
1968 Dayton's Devils
1968 打擊魔鬼 (How To Steal the World)
1969 How to Commit Marriage
1969 Change of Mind
1970 Four Rode Out
1971 The Resurrection of Zachary Wheeler
1972 海神號 (The Poseidon Adventure)
1976 Project: Kill
1976 Grand Jury
1977 Day of the Animals
1977 Viva Knievel!
1977 荷京喋血 (The Amsterdam Kill)
1977 Sixth and Main
1978 The Mad Trapper
1979 火爆大油城 (City on Fire)
1980 空前絕後滿天飛 (Airplane!)
1980 舞會大驚魂 (Prom Night)
1981 A Choice of Two
1982 拆穿西洋鏡 (Wrong Is Right)
1982 鬼作秀 (Creepshow)
1982 Foxfire Light
1983 The Creature Wasn't Nice
1986 The Patriot
1986 兒子才是老大 (Soul Man)
1987 Home Is Where the Hart Is
1987 我要求審判 (Nuts)
1988 Dangerous Curves
1988 笑彈龍虎榜 (The Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!)
1990 Repossessed
1991 站在子彈上的男人 (The Naked Gun 2½: The Smell of Fear)
1991 妙計合家歡 (All I Want for Christmas)
1993 Surf Ninjas
1993 Digger
1994 脫線總動員 (Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult)
1994 S.P.Q.R.: 2,000 and a Half Years Ago
1995 終極笑探總動員 (Rent A Kid) 【電視影片】
1995 吸血鬼也瘋狂 (Dracula: Dead and Loving It)
1996 終極笑探 (Spy Hard)
1997 家庭風暴 (Family Plan)
1997 脫線先生 (Mr. Magoo)
1998 絕命錯殺令 (Wrongfully Accused)
2000 脫線帝國 (2001: A Space Travesty)
2001 神探,你好神 Camouflage (Camouflage)
2001 北國走一遭 (Chilly Dogs)
2002 拿掃把的男人 (Men with Brooms)
2003 驚聲尖笑3 (Scary Movie 3)
2006 驚聲尖笑4 (Scary Movie 4)
2007 聽不見的音符 (Music Within)
2008 超能英雄總動員 (Superhero Movie)
2008 大美國了沒? (An American Carol)
2009 驚聲尖笑殺人狂 (Stan Helsing)
2009 傻瓜大進擊 (Spanish Movie)