佐麥克利 (Joel McCrea,1905 – 1990) : 美國的偉大西部電影明星之一,非西部電影的演出也很受歡迎。影劇生涯 50年,演出90餘部影片。自1946年只演西部電影,直到1976年退休。1953年演出英國的驚悚片《Rough Shoot》是唯一例外。
演出的電影 (部分):
1926 Torrent【特技演員】
1927 The Enemy【未列名】
1928 薄命花 (The Divine Lady)【未列名】
1928 The Five O'Clock Girl
1929 The Single Standard【未列名】
1929 Dynamite
1930 Lightnin'
1931 Once a Sinner
1931 女兒城 (Girls About Town)
1932 The Lost Squadron
1932 南海劫 (Bird of Paradise)
1932 The Most Dangerous Game
1933 The Silver Cord
1933 玫瑰床 (Bed of Roses)
1933 One Man's Journey
1934 Gambling Lady
1934 Half a Sinner
1935 Private Worlds
1935 小天使 (Our Little Girl)
1935 Woman Wanted
1935 北非海岸 (Barbary Coast)
1936 三人行 (These Three)
1936 Two in a Crowd
1936 Adventure in Manhattan
1936 奪妻記 (Come and Get It)
1937 Internes Can't Take Money
1937 Woman Chases Man
1937 絕路 (Dead End)
1937 Wells Fargo
1938 釣金龜 (Three Blind Mice)
1939 鐵馬 (Union Pacific)
1939 They Shall Have Music
1940 Primrose Path
1940 海外特派員 (Foreign Correspondent)
1941 Reaching for the Sun
1941 蘇利文遊記 (Sullivan's Travels)
1942 The Great Man's Lady
1942 棕櫚灘奇緣 (The Palm Beach Story)
1943 二房東小姐 (The More the Merrier)
1944 虎將平蠻 (Buffalo Bill)
1946 雙槍獨行俠 (The Virginian)
1947 Ramrod
1948 西部四霸天 (Four Faces West)
1949 碧血洗邊城 (South of St. Louis)
1949 虎盜蠻花 (Colorado Territory
1950 Stars in My Crown
1950 Saddle Tramp
1950 妖女奇俠 (Frenchie)
1951 乳虎出谷 (Cattle Drive)
1953 大俠蕩寇誌 (The Lone Hand)
1953 Rough Shoot (Shoot First)
1954 智勇鎮邊城 (Border River)
1954 鐵騎紅粉 (Black Horse Canyon)
1955 單騎伏霸戰 (Stranger on Horseback)
1955 Wichita
1956 最初的德克薩斯人 (The First Texan)
1957 Trooper Hook
1957 喋血九重山 (Gunsight Ridge)
1960 The Crowning Experience
1962 午後槍戰 (Guns in the Afternoon)
1972 The Young Rounders
1976 Mustang Country