拉娜透納 (Lana Turner,1921 –1995):美國女演員,20世紀40年代和50年代的賣座明星。十六歲時與米高梅公司簽約,演《永誌不忘》成名。於40年代,奠定明星地位,一直延續到50年。1959年的《春風秋雨》是她的登峰之作,但自60年代初,較少演出。演出《冷暖人間》,被提名競逐奧斯卡最佳女主角獎
1937 永誌不忘 (They Won't Forget)
1937 逍遙鬼侶 (Topper)【未列名】
1937 The Great Garrick
1938 馬可孛羅東遊記 (The Adventures of Marco Polo)
1938 Love Finds Andy Hardy
1938 攜手結婚 (Four's a Crowd)【未列名】
1938 Rich Man, Poor Girl
1938 Dramatic School
1939 Calling Dr. Kildare
1939 These Glamour Girls
1939 Dancing Co-Ed
1940 Two Girls on Broadway
1940 We Who Are Young
1941 齊格菲女郎(Ziegfeld Girl)
1941 化身博士 (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde)
1941 遊樂場 (Honky Tonk)
1942 雙雄喋血 (Johnny Eager)
1942 我會找到你 (Somewhere I'll Find You)
1943 Slightly Dangerous
1944 閨房樂 (Marriage Is a Private Affair)
1945 脂粉英雄 (Keep Your Powder Dry)
1945 瓊樓風月 (Week-End at the Waldorf)
1946 蕩婦怨 (The Postman Always Rings Twice)
1947 紐西蘭地震記 (Green Dolphin Street)
1947 海棠春怨 (Cass Timberlane)
1948 長使英雄淚滿襟 (Homecoming)
1948 新三劍客 (The Three Musketeers)
1950 她的一生 (A Life of Her Own)
1951 神女會襄王 (Mr. Imperium)
1952 風流寡婦 (The Merry Widow)
1952 玉女奇男 (The Bad and the Beautiful)
1953 拉丁情人 (Latin Lovers)
1954 情天春潮 (Flame and the Flesh)
1954 魔鬼的右手 (Betrayed)
1955 浪子 (The Prodigal)
1955 暴雨情天 (The Rains of Ranchipur)
1956 深宮綺夢 (Diane)
1957 冷暖人間 (Peyton Place)
1958 龍鳳雙飛 (The Lady Takes a Flyer)
1958 春夢留痕 (Another Time, Another Place)
1961 情濤(By Love Possessed)
1961 王老五天堂 (Bachelor in Paradise)
1962 妙想擒婿 (Who's Got the Action?)
1965 風流怨婦 (Love Has Many Faces)
1966 秋霜花落淚 (Madame X)
1969 奪命脂粉客 (The Big Cube)
1974 Persecution
1976 Bittersweet Love
1980 Witches' Brew (Which Witch Is Which?)