魯道夫馬泰 (Rudolph Maté,1898 –1964):是一位多產的歐洲和美國攝影師,電影導演和電影製片。曾在匈牙利、奧地利、德國、法國和英國擔任照相師和攝影師, 20世紀30年代中期轉往好萊塢發展。
1947 夢裡情郎 (It Had to Be You)
1948 The Dark Past
1950 一朝春盡紅顏老 (No Sad Songs for Me)
1950 D.O.A.
1950 Union Station
1950 Branded
1951 王子復國記 (The Prince Who Was a Thief)
1951 行星撞地球 (When Worlds Collide)
1952 The Green Glove
1952 華堂小鳳 (Sally and Saint Anne)
1952 Paula
1953 長勝英豪 (The Mississippi Gambler)
1953 絕嶺驚魂 (Second Chance)
1953 Forbidden
1954 護國勤王 (The Black Shield of Falworth)
1954 Siege at Red River
1955 The Violent Men
1955 The Rawhide Years
1956 Miracle in the Rain
1956 Port Afrique
1957 三暴徒 (Three Violent People)
1958 The Deep Six
1959 初墮情網 (For the First Time)
1960 Revak the Rebel
1962 決死雄師 (The 300 Spartans)
1962 雄霸七海 (Seven Seas to Calais)
1963 Aliki My Love