路易斯卡亨(Louis Calhern)            Louis Calhern -2         Louis Calhern -3 

路易斯卡亨(Louis Calhern1895 – 1956)美國舞台和電影演員。以The Magnificent Yankee(1950)獲得競逐奧斯卡最佳男主角獎提名。


1921  Too Wise Wives

1921  The Blot

1931  Stolen Heaven

1931  Blonde Crazy

1932  Okay America!

1932  Afraid to Talk

1932  20,000 Years in Sing Sing

1932  Frisco Jenny

1933  Diplomaniacs

1933  鴨羹 (Duck Soup)

1934  基督山恩仇記 (The Count of Monte Cristo)

1934  The Man with Two Faces

1935  The Arizonian

1935  古城末日記 (The Last Days of Pompeii)

1936  The Gorgeous Hussy

1937  左拉傳 (The Life of Emile Zola)

1938  Fast Company

1939  錦繡山河 (Juarez)

1939  5th Ave Girl

1940  Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet

1943  Heaven Can Wait

1943  Nobody's Darling

1944  軍中春色 (Up in Arms)

1946  美人計 (Notorious)

1948  凱旋門 (Arch of Triumph)

1949  紅色小馬 (The Red Pony)

1949  紅色多瑙河 (The Red Danube)

1950  Nancy Goes to Rio

1950  飛燕金鎗 (Annie Get Your Gun)

1950  夜闌人未靜 (The Asphalt Jungle)

1950  她的一生 (A Life of Her Own)

1950  原野戰笳聲 (Devil's Doorway)

1950  彩鸞綺夢 (Two Weeks with Love)

1950  The Magnificent Yankee

1951  The Man with a Cloak

1952  未婚伉儷 (We're Not Married!)

1952  古堡藏龍 (The Prisoner of Zenda)

1953  凱撒大帝 (Julius Caesar)

1953  Remains to Be Seen

1953  拉丁情人 (Latin Lovers)

1954  狂想曲 (Rhapsody)

1954  縱橫天下 (Executive Suite)

1954  航艦戰鬥夫人號 (Men of the Fighting Lady)

1954  學生王子 (The Student Prince)

1954  魔鬼的右手 (Betrayed)

1954  愛茜娜 (Athena)

1955  浪子 (The Prodigal)

1955  黑板森林 (Blackboard Jungle

1956  恩愛夫妻 (Forever, Darling)

1956  上流社會 (High Society)


    路易斯卡亨(Louis Calhern)

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