湯尼李察遜 (Tony Richardson,1928 –1991) :英國電影製作人,曾執導40部影片。因導演和製作湯姆瓊斯 (Tom Jones)獲得兩項奧斯卡金像獎。
1960 藝人 (The Entertainer)
1961 恨海情天(Sanctuary)
1961 A Taste of Honey
1962 The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner
1963 湯姆瓊斯 (Tom Jones)
1965 The Loved One
1966 Mademoiselle
1967 The Sailor from Gibraltar
1968 英烈傳 (The Charge of the Light Brigade)
1969 Laughter in the Dark
1969 Hamlet
1970 Ned Kelly
1970 Nijinsky: Unfinished Project
1973 A Delicate Balance
1974 Dead Cert
1975 Mahogany【未列名】
1977 Joseph Andrews
1982 強渡魔鬼關 (The Border)
1984 故事 (The Hotel New Hampshire)
1994 Blue Sky