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大衛法拉(David Farrar1908 –1995) :英國舞台和電影演員。他的電影角色包括在黑水仙 (Black Narcissus)、《The Small Back Room(1949)謫仙記 (Gone to Earth)中擔任男主角。

演出的電影(部分) :

1937  Return of a Stranger (The Face Behind the Scar)【未列名】

1939  Q Planes (Clouds Over Europe)【未列名】

1941  Sheepdog of the Hills

1942  Went the Day Well?

1943  Headline

1944  For Those in Peril

1944  The Hundred Pound Window

1945  The World Owes Me a Living

1946  The Lisbon Story

1947  黑水仙 (Black Narcissus)

1947  Frieda

1948  Mr. Perrin and Mr. Traill

1949  The Small Back Room (Hour of Glory)

1950  謫仙記 (Gone to Earth)

1950  紅粉情波風塵淚 (Cage of Gold)

1951  The Late Edwina Black (Obsessed)

1951  Night Without Stars

1951  鐵騎金軍 (The Golden Horde)

1953  I vinti (The Vanquished)【未列名】

1954  獸林浴血記(Duel in the Jungle)

1954  護國勤王 (The Black Shield of Falworth)

1955  蠻荒鴛劫 (Escape to Burma)

1955  乘風破浪追萬里 (The Sea Chase)

1955  南海採珠記 (Pearl of the South Pacific)

1956  失嬰記 (Lost)

1956  Accuse!

1958  羅賓漢之義子 (Son of Robin Hood)

1959  所羅門王寶藏續集 (Watusi)

1959  大海戰史 (John Paul Jones)

1959  所羅門王 (Solomon and Sheba)

1962  The Webster Boy

1962  決死雄師 (The 300 Spartans)

    大衛法拉 (David Farrar)
    創作者 佳銘的管窺與管見 的頭像


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